Your travel guide for Sri Lanka

The spectacular Dunhinda Falls is among Sri Lanka's most famous and visually striking waterfalls. Located in the Badulla District, this magnificent natural wonder captivates travelers with its breathtaking beauty and serene ambiance. The waterfall has a height of approximately 64 meters and originates from the Badulu Oya River. Visiting Dunhinda Falls offers an extraordinary experience that combines a blend of adventure and tranquility.

About Dunhinda Falls

The name "Dunhinda" translates to "smoky mist" in Sinhalese, an apt name considering the misty veil created by the falling water that looks like a cloud of smoke. Originating from the Badulu Oya River, the waterfall cascades down in a dramatic sequence of steps before reaching its primary drop, plunging into a pool below. Dunhinda Falls is also known as the "Bridal Falls" as its beautiful flow of water resembles a bride's veil.

Geological Features

Geologically, the area surrounding Dunhinda Falls consists mainly of igneous rocks. The falling water has eroded the rock over thousands of years, giving the waterfall its distinct shape and flow pattern. The soil in the area is rich in nutrients, allowing for a diverse range of flora and fauna.

Flora and Fauna

The area around the waterfall is abundant in biodiversity, providing a habitat for various species of birds, mammals, and insects. It is common to spot monkeys, various bird species, and even the occasional deer. The forest is home to a variety of plant species, including medicinal herbs that have been traditionally used by local communities.

What to Expect: The Falls and Surrounding Area

When you arrive at the site, you'll first encounter a series of small shops selling snacks, beverages, and local handicrafts. After a short walk from these shops, you'll come to the entrance, where you'll need to pay a small fee to access the path leading to the falls.

Viewing Points

There are two main viewing points for enjoying the waterfall. The first one offers a distant yet expansive view and is accessible without much effort. The second viewing point requires a short trek but provides a closer, more immersive experience with the waterfall.

Photography at Dunhinda Falls

The captivating beauty of Dunhinda Falls makes it a popular subject for photographers. Both amateur and professional photographers will find ample opportunities for capturing stunning images. The mist generated by the waterfall, combined with natural lighting conditions, can create a mystical atmosphere that's ideal for photography.

For capturing the best shots, a DSLR camera with a variety of lenses can be useful. However, even a good-quality smartphone camera can yield impressive results. A tripod can also be helpful for long-exposure shots to capture the movement of the water.


Swimming is generally not advised at the base of Dunhinda Falls due to the strong currents and depth of the pool. The area immediately surrounding the waterfall can also be quite slippery, which poses a safety risk. Local authorities usually discourage swimming near the waterfall for these reasons. Always prioritize safety and adhere to local guidelines when visiting natural sites like Dunhinda Falls.


Facilities near Dunhinda Falls are basic. There are no official restrooms, so prepare accordingly. Refreshments can be purchased from local vendors at the entrance, but options are limited.

Hiking to the Falls

The trek to the falls is one of the main activities that attract visitors to Dunhinda. The path is about 1.5 kilometers long and takes around 30 to 45 minutes to complete, depending on your pace. The trail starts at the ticket counter and is fairly well marked, though it's advisable to wear sturdy shoes due to uneven terrain.

Safety Measures

While the path is not overly challenging, caution is advised, especially during the rainy season when the trail can get slippery. If you're visiting with children or elders, take extra care and consider using a walking stick for added support.

How to Get There

Dunhinda Falls is situated about 5 kilometers from Badulla town. Public transportation is available but limited, so the most convenient way to reach the site is by private vehicle or taxi. There's a parking area near the entrance where you can leave your vehicle for a nominal fee.

Best Time to Visit

The optimal time to visit Dunhinda Falls is in the dry season, which runs from the months of June to September. During this period, the weather is generally clear, making the trek to the falls more enjoyable. However, the waterfall is also quite dramatic during the rainy season, with a significantly higher volume of water, although the path can be more challenging to navigate due to mud and slippery conditions.

Tips and Advice

  • Carry water and light snacks, as options near the falls are limited.
  • Wear sturdy, comfortable shoes suitable for hiking.
  • Watch your belongings closely, as monkeys in the area are known to snatch unattended items.
  • Always follow safety guidelines and respect local customs and regulations.

Nearby Attractions

If you're looking to extend your day trip, there are several other attractions in the vicinity:

1. Badulla Town: A charming city known for its tea plantations and British colonial architecture, it's worth spending a few hours exploring. Badulla is also a hub for local markets where you can experience the culture and shop for spices, textiles, and local crafts. The city also has a number of eateries serving traditional Sri Lankan cuisine, offering a taste of local flavors.

2. Ella Town: Ella is a small, scenic town that has become increasingly popular among tourists. Located at a higher elevation, the area is cooler than much of Sri Lanka and offers remarkable scenery, including valleys, green hills, and tea plantations. Ella is also known for its hiking opportunities, including trails leading to Ella Rock and Little Adam's Peak. With its relaxed atmosphere and outdoor activities, Ella makes for a perfect extended outing.

3. Muthiyangana Raja Maha Vihara: An ancient Buddhist temple located in the heart of Badulla town, this site is significant both historically and spiritually. One of the Solosmasthana, the 16 sacred places in Sri Lanka said to have been visited by the Buddha, the temple is an important pilgrimage site for Buddhists. The architecture and the sculptures within the temple provide a glimpse into the religious artistry of ancient Sri Lanka, making it an enriching experience for all visitors.

Dunhinda Falls is a must-visit natural attraction in Sri Lanka that offers a unique combination of scenic beauty, adventure, and tranquility. Whether you're an avid photographer, a nature lover, or simply someone looking to escape the everyday grind, Dunhinda provides an unforgettable experience.

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